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Savvy Card & Account - Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to your Savvy card and account.

In particular, they cover:

  • the use of your card physically, online and digitally through Apple Pay and Google Wallet for Google Pay;
  • the use of mybooster, the Booster NZ app, and any other service Booster makes available to transfer funds from your Savvy account and between your Savvy stacks; and
  • the smart account tools for your Savvy account made available in the Booster NZ app.

These terms and conditions form part of your agreement with Booster together with the Savvy Apple Pay Terms and Conditions (as applicable), the Savvy Google Pay Terms and Conditions (as applicable), Booster’s general terms and conditions and the Booster Savvy Fund Product Disclosure Statement. The provisions of these terms and conditions relating to Apple Pay or Google Wallet for Google Pay apply only to the extent you have registered your card for Apple Pay or Google Wallet for Google Pay.

If there are any inconsistencies between these terms and conditions and Booster’s General Terms and Conditions, these terms and conditions overrule Booster’s General Terms and Conditions (but only in relation to that difference).

For our policy on how we collect and store information about you, please refer to the Booster Privacy Statement.

Make sure you read and understand these documents. By being a Savvy account holder you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with these terms and conditions.

Using your Physical and Digital Debit Card 

Safeguarding your physical card and PIN

As soon as you receive your physical card, sign the back of it with a ballpoint pen. You must not use it until you have signed it and set a PIN in the Booster app. You must:

  • choose a PIN that’s hard for others to work out;  
  • change your PIN regularly;
  • memorise your PIN– don’t record it anywhere;
  • keep your PIN different from your other PINs; and  
  • always keep your PIN confidential.  

You must exercise every possible care to ensure the safety of your card. You must not allow others to use your card or card information. You must keep your card secure and not leave it unattended or anywhere it could be stolen.

You must keep your contact details, including phone number and postal address, up-to-date in mybooster so that we can communicate with you.  

If you enter the wrong PIN three times when using an ATM, your card will be retained and suspended and cannot be recovered. You will be required to apply for a new card.

If you enter the wrong PIN three times when using a point of sale terminal your card will be suspended. To re-activate your card, call Booster on 0800 336 338 (or +64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas) and we can re-activate your card. 

Safeguarding your digital card for Apple Pay and Google Wallet for Google Pay

You must ensure that:

  • you only store your own biometric ID on your Apple device or supported device;
  • you only set up your own card for use with a digital card transaction (e.g. Apple Pay or Google Wallet for Google Pay);
  • you only make a digital card transaction on your own device, or an device you are authorised to use, for example, by your employer. You must not set your card up for use with a digital card on a shared device;
  • no one else uses your device, or your supported device to make payments with a digital card;
  • you exercise every possible care to ensure the safety of your device or supported device and prevent loss, theft and unauthorised or fraudulent use. This includes locking your device or supported device when it is not in use, not leaving your device or supported device unattended, keeping your passcode secure, and ensuring up-to-date software is installed on your device or supported device; and
  • you remove your digital card or cards from your device or supported device before selling or giving your device or supported device to someone else.

If you do not comply with the requirements in this section, you will be treated as having caused or contributed to loss arising from the unauthorised use of your Savvy account. Please refer to the section Liability if your card or device is lost or stolen or your card information is compromised in this document.

Transactions using your card

In New Zealand, your physical card can be used at any electronic funds device, or at any merchant displaying the Mastercard symbol.

By using your physical card or digital card to make a transaction, you give us the authority to take that amount from your account (by redeeming whole or part units in the Savvy Fund of that amount) and pay that amount to the merchant. You can’t stop or reverse the transaction once the transaction is made. We don’t have to check who is making the transaction, or whether it has your authority.

A transaction will be deducted from your account at the time the transaction is made, or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to our right to vary that date due to circumstances beyond our control.

If you authorise a stand in services transaction (where the electronic funds device cannot connect to the card issuer), that is authority for us to process that transaction to your account.

Remote transactions

When you authorise a remote transaction (a transaction using your card information only), that is authority for us to take that amount from your account (by redeeming units) and pay it to the merchant. If you authorise a merchant to take additional or regular payments without the need for your signature, those amounts will be taken out of your account without further authority.

Always consider the security and standing of the merchant when deciding whether to authorise a remote transaction. Pop-up ads or phishing links can be malicious and failure to consider the safety of these sites can be considered negligence on your part and therefore make you responsible for what the merchant does.

Contactless transactions

Your card can be used to make contactless transactions by holding your physical card near a contactless terminal. If your card has been added as a digital card (e.g. Apple Pay or Google Wallet for Google Pay), you can use that service to make contactless transactions by holding your device near a contactless terminal. You will be required to enter your PIN into the terminal or to sign to use your physical card, Apple Pay or Google Pay for contactless transactions over certain transaction limits.

Apple Pay and Google Pay online and app-based transactions

If your card has been added as a digital card, you can use that service to make payments through participating apps and online with participating merchants. You may be required to enter your device security credentials (e.g. the device PIN, passcode or biometric ID) on your device to complete a transaction.


Although we work hard to ensure access to your card (both physically and as a digital card), there may be times when access to your card is temporarily unavailable. This could happen in the event of an outage of one or more systems involved in the payments network, of Apple Pay’s systems, of Google Wallet’s or Google Pay’s systems, or of Booster’s own systems. We use common market practices to minimise any disruption to you.

Foreign currency transactions

You can use your physical card and your digital card for foreign currency transactions. Mastercard will either convert the transaction from the original currency to US dollars and then into New Zealand dollars, or convert the transaction directly from the original currency to New Zealand dollars.

Mastercard determines the exchange rate for a foreign currency transaction and executes the conversion. We will charge an International Transaction Fee for a foreign currency transaction. See Savvy Fees for details of this fee.

The amount of a foreign currency transaction reversed or refunded to your account may differ from the original amount debited due to changes in the currency conversion rates that may have occurred between the time of the original transaction and the time of the reversal or refund.

Overseas transactions

You can use your physical card with any overseas merchant, bank or electronic funds device displaying the Mastercard symbol, and your digital card with any overseas merchant or contactless terminal.

We will charge an International Transaction Fee for a transaction which involves making payment to an overseas merchant in person or by remote transaction (either in a foreign currency or in New Zealand dollars). See Savvy Fees for details of this fee.

We will charge you an International Transaction Fee for an overseas ATM withdrawal. Overseas banks and financial institutions may also charge you fees for using their ATMs or withdrawing cash over the counter. See for details.

If you plan to use your card overseas, you should let us know on 0800 336 338 (or +64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas) so we don’t mark your transactions as suspicious and block your physical and/or digital card.

Authorisation and debit holds

Merchants may require authorisation of a transaction for up to 7 days before the transaction is made. This is common in the case of accommodation and car rental companies. The authorised hold will require redemption of units equal to that amount and will reduce the available funds in your account until the payment is processed.

Merchants may also check card authenticity by requesting a hold for a nominal amount. These holds may last for 7 days.

Liability for transactions

You are responsible for all transactions made on your account, including but not limited to:

  • cash withdrawals and sales vouchers signed or authorised by you;
  • mail and telephone order or ecommerce transactions authorised by you;
  • Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) carried out on your account using your card;
  • other transactions authorised by you; and
  • amounts debited to your account which exceed the daily limits (as set out in the Booster Savvy Fund Product Disclosure Statement) through some other means, for instance stand in services transactions.

If a digital card is enabled on your device, and another person can unlock your device, you are taken to have authorised that person to transact on your account using the digital card. This means that any digital card (e.g. Apple Pay or Google Pay) transaction initiated by the relevant person will be treated as authorised by you and you will be responsible for paying for those transactions. This could result in significant loss or liability to you in relation to such transactions. The provisions in these terms and conditions which deal with unauthorised transactions will not apply to those transactions.

We might not process a payment or transfer if your available balance is less than the amount of the payment or transfer requested by you. If we do process a payment or transfer that exceeds your available balance, you must immediately pay the shortfall to us. You are responsible for checking all transactions on your account to ensure their accuracy and notifying us of any mistakes.

Liability if your card or device is lost or stolen or your card information is compromised

As a Mastercard cardholder, Mastercard’s Zero Liability Protection applies to you and you will not be responsible for unauthorised transactions if you have used reasonable care in protecting your card from loss or theft, and you promptly reported the loss or theft to us.

Once you notify us that your card has been lost or stolen, or your card information has been compromised, you are not responsible for any unauthorised use of your card after that time, except where:

  • you have acted fraudulently, negligently, breached these terms and conditions or breached any Apple Pay terms and conditions or Google Pay terms and conditions; or
  • you have instructed us to leave your account open following any unauthorised activity.

If any of the above occur, your maximum liability will be the lesser of:

  • the actual loss at the time you notify us; or
  • the maximum amount that you would have been entitled to withdraw from your account between the time your card was lost or stolen and the time you notify us.

You will not be liable for losses incurred, where your physical card, or any replacement physical card, has been used before you receive that physical card, provided that your address is up to date in mybooster.

You must give us information and any help we reasonably require to deal with any misuse of or unauthorised access to your account, or any transaction we, the police or any other authority is investigating.

Except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions, and to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to you for, and, if we are liable, you agree to indemnify us against, any loss or claim that results directly or indirectly from the unauthorised use of your card, card information or PIN, your use of Apple Pay or Google Wallet and Google Pay, or the failure of any machinery used or system involved in a transaction.

Our liability

We will not be liable if any bank or merchant refuses to accept or conditionally accepts your physical card, digital card or will not allow your physical card, digital card to be used to purchase particular goods or services.

We will not be liable if:

  • your Apple device or Apple Pay does not work; or
  • your supported device or Google Pay does not work; or
  • contactless transactions are not available at a merchant or location; or
  • you are unable to use Apple Pay or Google Pay because there is an issue with a communications network.

You also agree that, to the extent permitted by law, Booster won’t be responsible for any direct or indirect loss or damage:

  • to your device from any use or attempted use of a digital card; or
  • arising from the goods or services or services which you have purchased using your card; or
  • as a result of us refusing to complete any transaction in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions and the Booster General Terms and Conditions, and to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to you, and, if we are liable, you agree to indemnify us against, any loss or claim that results directly or indirectly from:

  • your fraud or negligence; or
  • your breach of these terms and conditions or the Booster General Terms and Conditions; or
  • failure of machinery used or a system involved in a transaction; or
  • unauthorised use of your digital card in your device; or
  • your use of a digital card or your device or supported device in a manner not permitted by the provider of the digital card service.

Ownership of your card

Your card and card number are our property. You must not copy or reproduce your card. If we ask you to return or destroy your card, you must do so as soon as you can.

Lost or stolen card or card information

You are responsible for checking all transactions on your account to ensure their accuracy and notifying us of any mistakes.

If you know or suspect your card is lost or stolen, or someone else knows your PIN, log in to mybooster or the Booster NZ app immediately to block your card and report it stolen. Alternatively, call us immediately on 0800 336 338 (or +64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas). If you require a replacement card, we may charge you a card replacement fee.

If you know or suspect that:

  • your Apple device or supported device or the SIM card for your Apple device or supported device is lost or stolen; or
  • someone else has used your digital card (e.g. without your authority; or
  • someone else knows the passcode on your device; or
  • the telephone number for your device is transferred to someone else without your permission, and you are suddenly disconnected from the mobile service on your device or supported device; or
  • a security breach has occurred in relation to your device or your digital card, call us immediately on 0800 336 338 (or +64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas).

If you block your card, it will only block the use of your physical card and you will still be able to use your digital card (i.e. Apple Pay or Google Pay).

Cancelling your card will mean you are unable to use your physical card or your digital card (i.e. Apple Pay or Google Pay).

If you need to block the token loaded onto your Apple Pay or Google Wallet, please call Booster on 0800 336 338 (or +64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas) as soon as practicable.

Transaction disputes / chargeback requests

If you have a dispute with a merchant regarding a transaction, we encourage you to try to resolve the issue with the merchant in the first instance. If you are unable to resolve the issue with the merchant, or you believe that a transaction was not authorised by you or was incorrect, you can dispute the transaction through a chargeback request. The ability to dispute transactions is limited and subject to Mastercard’s rules.

There are certain transactions that you cannot dispute, for example if you disagree with a merchant about the quality of goods or services, or you change your mind about wanting to buy the goods and services. You cannot dispute a transaction that was made in New Zealand using an electronic funds device.

If you wish to dispute a transaction, you must notify us within 60 days of the date of the disputed transaction. You can contact us by phone at 0800 336 338 or (or +64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas) between 8:00am – 8:00pm Monday to Friday.

Once you notify us, we will provide a Notice of Disputed Transaction form for you to complete and return to us. You can download a copy of the form here. Where you have a dispute with a merchant regarding a transaction, we may require you to provide evidence that you have attempted to resolve the issue with the merchant. Once we’ve received your form, we’ll investigate your dispute and get back to you as soon as we can.

We charge a $50 fee for every disputed transaction, which reflects the cost charged to us by our external provider. Where Booster is satisfied that a transaction is fraudulent and not caused by things you did or didn’t do, Booster will not charge this fee.

If you are not happy with the outcome of your dispute and you wish to make a complaint, please see for our complaints process.

Damaged or faulty cards

If your card becomes damaged or faulty, we will issue a new card once the damaged or faulty card has been returned to us with a description of how the damage occurred or what the fault is. You may be charged a card replacement fee.

Access restrictions

If we believe we have reasonable grounds to do so, we may block or cancel your physical or digital card, restrict access to your Savvy account, mybooster or the Booster NZ App, or delay, refuse or stop any transaction on your Savvy account. You may not get prior notice of that action. Examples of when we might do this include where:

  • we suspect fraudulent activity on your account or that your account has been the subject of a security breach.
  • we suspect money laundering, terrorist financing or other illegal activity.
  • you have not given us identity or address verification documents we have asked you for.
  • you have not given us tax reporting information we have asked you for.
  • we consider you have breached any of our terms and conditions.
  • we are directed to do so by Apple, Google or Mastercard.
  • our arrangements with Apple regarding Apple Pay, or Google regarding Google Wallet and Google Pay, cease or are suspended.
  • we are required to do so by a regulatory or government body or by applicable law.

This is not an exhaustive list and there are other circumstances where we might take this kind of action.

If we are satisfied there has been no wrongdoing on your part, e.g. you have lost your card or you are the victim of fraud, we may re-issue a new physical or digital card or reinstate your access to your Savvy account, mybooster and the Booster NZ App. This decision is solely at our discretion.

Redemption of units and Permanent account closure

We can also forcibly redeem units and permanently close your Savvy account, including cancelling your physical and digital cards, access to your Savvy account, mybooster and the Booster NZ App, in the circumstances set out in the Savvy fund criteria i.e., where: 

  • we reasonably suspect you have:
    • breached any of our terms and conditions,
    • breached applicable law,
    • engaged in illegal activity, or
    • used your Savvy card or account to support illegal activity.
  • we know or reasonably suspect there has been a security breach in relation to your Savvy card or account.
  • you fail to provide information we have requested to satisfy our legal obligations or those of Savvy or its Supervisor.
  • you fail to comply with our reasonable requests for information to discharge our local and foreign tax reporting obligations (including under CRS and FATCA).
  • the cancellation of your Savvy card or closure of your Savvy account is required under applicable law or requested by any regulatory authority.

In these circumstances we will return the funds to you or, if you are not the rightful owner or we cannot locate the rightful owner, transfer that money into a separate unallocated funds account within Savvy or to the Crown as unclaimed money as set out in the Booster Savvy Fund Criteria document available on the Disclose Register (search for Booster Savvy).

Your right to return your card and close your account

If you no longer want your card, let us know and either destroy it or return it to us. Once your card is cancelled, you’re still liable to us for some amounts. These include amounts debited to your account for any transactions or fees charged after your card was cancelled. You’re also still liable for any recurring transactions, subscriptions, and related fees debited to your account. Just cancelling your card does not close your Savvy account but you are able to do that by letting us know that you want to do this.


Your card is valid until the expiry date shown on the card. Your card cannot be used after expiry. Make sure your address is always up to date on mybooster as your replacement card will automatically be sent before the expiry of your current card.


You agree to pay all fees and other charges relating to the use of your card. These fees and charges apply to transactions using your physical card and to transactions using your digital card. You agree that we may deduct such fees and other charges from your account. For further information on fees and other charges please see the Booster Savvy Fund Product Disclosure Statement and Savvy Fees.

We do not charge you any additional fees for setting up a digital card (i.e. adding your card to Apple Pay or Google Wallet or making transactions using Apple Pay or Google Pay).

We have no control over circumstances where merchants may apply a surcharge, such as to use contactless terminals.

Non-Card Transfers

This section describes the terms of use you accept in using mybooster, the Booster NZ app, or any other service Booster decides to make available for the transfer of funds from your Savvy account and between your Savvy stacks.

Access to Savvy through mybooster and the Booster NZ app

You can access your Savvy account through mybooster or the Booster NZ app. To access mybooster or the Booster NZ app you will be required to use one of the following verification methods:

  • biometric ID; or
  • Booster NZ app PIN; or
  • username and password with optional multi-factor authentication.
  • It's important that you also take steps to ensure your data security.

A strong password is long, preferably with a mix of numbers and special characters. A simple phrase of 4 or so words is also effective.

Keep your mybooster and Booster NZ app password secure by:

  • making your password long and strong;
    using a different password for every online
  • account you use;
  • not using easily identifiable personal information (e.g. date of birth, pet's name); and
  • never sharing your password.

In order to protect the funds within your Savvy account, and your personal information contained within mybooster and the Booster NZ app, you must ensure that:

  • you only store your own biometric ID on your device;
  • you do not disclose your username, password or Booster NZ app PIN to another person; and
  • you exercise care to ensure the safety of any your device, and prevent loss, theft and unauthorised or fraudulent use. This includes locking your device when it is not in use, not leaving your device unattended, keeping your passcode secure, and ensuring up-to-date software is installed on your device.

Stopping unauthorised access to the Booster NZ app

Where you believe someone has access to your device and can access your mybooster or your account on the Booster NZ app you must call us immediately on 0800 336 338 or (+64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas) and we will place a block on your Booster account.

Payments from your Savvy account

When you transfer funds out of your Savvy account using mybooster or the Booster NZ app we do this by accessing the New Zealand banking settlement system.

When the transfer is made you must have enough available funds in the stack from which the transfer is to be made. If the required funds are not available, you will not be able to resend that transfer and you must set up a new transfer for not more than the amount of available funds in your stack. When you make a transfer to a non-Savvy account after 8pm, the transfer will be processed on the following day.

If, at any time and for any reason, a stack in your Savvy account has a debit balance, you agree that we have the right to move funds from another stack into the stack with an insufficient balance, without notice. 

By making a transfer from your Savvy account using mybooster or the Booster NZ app, you give us the authority to take that amount from your account (by redeeming units) and pay it to the recipient. Making a transfer from your Savvy account operates in a similar way to making an online bank transfer, in that you agree that:

  • you can’t stop or reverse the transfer once it is made;
  • we don’t have to check who is making the transfer, or whether the transfer is made with your authority;
  • we can delay processing a transfer, or request more information from you before processing a transfer;
  • the transfer amount will be taken from your Savvy account immediately, or in the case of a future-dated transfer, on the morning of the scheduled date. For a future-dated transfer, if your available balance at the time the transfer is attempted is less than the amount of the transfer, a second attempt will be made that same day. If there are not enough available funds on the second attempt, the scheduled transfer will not be processed;
  • if an automatic transfer fails on three consecutive scheduled dates, we will remove the automatic transfer instruction from your account; and
  • you are responsible for checking that you have correctly entered the account details of the recipient of the transfer (see below for more information about what happens if the account details entered are incorrect).

You agree that you will only use mybooster or the Booster NZ app to carry out transfers and account enquiries and to use the other Savvy account functions such as managing your card. Please contact us on 0800 336 338 (+64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas) if you are not able to complete any actions you intend to take in mybooster or the Booster NZ app.

Setting up a bill payment

You are able to set up a bill payment by selecting from a prepopulated list of recipients which contains the company name, the account number and, in some cases, a format to populate reference fields within the payment instructions.

This information is sourced from Payments NZ who centrally manages this information for the New Zealand payments system.

Booster is not liable for the accuracy of any recipient’s information.

Where offered by a merchant, you can also set up a bill payment by providing the merchant with your Savvy card number.

What happens if the account details entered are incorrect

If you enter the incorrect account number for a recipient:

  • where the account number is valid but the recipient is incorrect, the transfer will be processed. You can call us on 0800 336 338 (+64 4 894 4300 if calling from overseas) to let us know about the issue. We will attempt to recover the funds from the recipient and return them to you. Where the recipient declines to return the funds, you have the option of pursuing recovery of the funds through the courts.
  • where the account number is invalid, the receiving institution will attempt to identify the correct recipient. Where the issue is an incorrect suffix in the account number, the receiving institution will post the funds to the next best alternative account number. Where this is not possible, the funds will be returned to your account within 2 business days.

What you are covered for

We will reimburse you for funds transferred from your Savvy account where the transfer results from:

  • the fraud or wilful misconduct of any employee of Booster;
  • a faulty, falsified, expired or decommissioned part of mybooster or the Booster NZ app.

What you are not covered for

To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to you for, and, if we are liable to you, you agree to indemnify us against, any loss or claim that results directly or indirectly from:

  • you disclosing your app PIN, username or password to another person or allowing another person to store biometric ID on your device;
  • the actions of a party other than Booster in the processing of your transfer instruction; and
  • your inability to use our services because of:
    power or internet connection failure;
  • failure of your device; and
  • failure of any third parties who perform services to enable the running of mybooster, the Booster NZ app or any other service Booster provides.

Savvy Smart Account Tools

Your use of the smart tools services provided through the Booster NZ app in relation to your Savvy account (smart tools) is subject to Booster’s General Terms and Conditions, except to the extent of any modification below.

The smart tools use artificial intelligence powered enrichment built by us and by third-parties. To perform their functions, the smart tools require data provided by you. Booster does not provide that data to any third party and you agree to the collection, storage and use of your data in accordance with Booster’s Privacy Statement found here.

In using the smart tools you agree that:

Booster will not be liable for any actions taken by you, or actions taken according to instructions set by you, that may cause loss to you;

  • the smart tools provide suggestions only, and you may choose whether or not to take action on those suggestions;
  • your use of the smart tools and the information provided by them is at your own risk and Booster does not warrant that the smart tools or the information provided by them are error free;
  • the information provided by the smart tools is of a general nature and is for information purposes only and is not intended to be personalised advice. The information is not a substitute for personal financial or other professional advice, and does not take into account all of your particular circumstances; and
  • you should get professional advice on your individual requirements before purchasing any financial product referred to in the smart tools or before making any financial decision.


Terms and conditions set by third parties

In addition to these terms and conditions, the use of your card in an electronic funds device is subject to the terms and conditions imposed from time to time by other financial institutions that are parties to any EFT system.

Changes to these terms and conditions

These terms and conditions and/or the Booster General Terms and Conditions may be varied by us at any time. We will endeavour to provide notice by email, mail, text, mybooster, or on our website. If you continue to have a Savvy account after the date specified in the notice, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes.


If any provision or part of a provision of these terms and conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it will be severed from these terms and conditions and the remaining provisions (or parts of provisions) will continue in full force and effect.

Referral Programme

The Savvy referral programme allows you to refer Booster Savvy to your contacts. With the exception of specific terms and conditions applicable to certain promotions, Booster will not provide any incentive, reward or bonus to Savvy members who refer Savvy to others.  


These definitions apply to the terms used in this document (unless the context requires otherwise):


The nominated Booster Savvy account from which your funds will be withdrawn using your card.


Apple Inc. and/or its related bodies corporate and affiliates.

Apple device 

A device such as an iPad, iPhone or an Apple Watch, manufactured by Apple, which Booster and Apple determine is eligible for the registration of Savvy cards to be used in Apple Pay.

Apple Pay 

The mobile payment and digital wallet service created by Apple that lets users make payments using certain Apple devices and credit cards or debit cards registered on those Apple devices.


An automatic teller machine.

available funds

The amount of funds available in your account for payment or transfer as a result of redeeming your units.

biometric ID

Identity verification using a person’s unique physical and other traits, such as voice or facial recognition or fingerprint log-on using a fingerprint identity sensor (including Touch ID).

blocked card

Where a physical card has been blocked from use in app by the user or by Booster. The card can be un-blocked in the Booster NZ app or by Booster staff.

Booster, us, we, our

Booster Investment Management Limited and/or Booster Financial Services Limited.

cancelled card

A cancelled card cancels both the physical and digital card. A replacement physical card must be ordered before the Savvy debit card functions can be used.


Your Booster Savvy Debit Mastercard.

card information

The card number, card expiration date, card holder’s name and/or card validation code which is embossed or printed on the card issued to you.

contactless terminal

An electronic funds device which can be used to make “contactless” transactions that do not require swiping or inserting a card.

contactless transaction

A transaction conducted by tapping your card, Apple device or supported device on a contactless terminal.


Common Reporting Standard.


Any device you use to access mybooster, the Booster NZ app or any other service Booster provides.

digital card

Your digital Savvy debit card that you will load into Apple Pay on an Apple device or Google Wallet on a supported device for contactless, online and in-app transactions using Apple Pay or Google Pay.

digital card transaction

A transaction undertaken by you that uses either Apple Pay or Google Pay.


The transfer of funds processed when you use your card at an electronic funds device.

electronic funds device

Any point of sale terminal, contactless terminal, and Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) that accepts Mastercard or EFTPOS.


Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

foreign currency transaction

A transaction made in a currency other than New Zealand dollars.

General Terms and Conditions

Booster’s general terms and conditions.


Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. and/or its related bodies corporate and affiliates.

Google Pay

The payment service using Google Wallet made available by Google that lets users make payments using certain supported devices and credit cards or debit cards registered on those supported devices.

Google Wallet

The digital wallet service called Google Wallet made available by Google that allows users to store wallet cards for use for Google Pay.


A retail merchant or other entity which requests authorisation and receipt of funds in return for goods or services.


The Booster web application that allows you to manage your Savvy account.

physical card

Your physical Savvy debit card which you can use at electronic funds devices, ATMs and for online purchases.


A four digit personal identification number to prevent unauthorised access to and use of your card.

remote transaction

A transaction made using your card information only. These include, but are not limited to, transactions made by mail, telephone, email, or online.

security credentials

Any personal identification number, password, biometric ID or other measure used to ensure the security of your Apple device or supported device.


A Savvy stack is an account which you can use to separate daily spend and savings.

stand in services transactions

Transactions authorised when an electronic funds device cannot connect to the card issuer for transaction authorisation.

supported device

Any equipment or device such as a mobile phone or wearable device (i.e. smartwatch) which Booster and Google determine is eligible for the registration of Savvy cards to be used in Google Wallet for Google Pay.

suspended card

When your PIN has been entered incorrectly 3 times the system will suspend your physical card. The suspension can only be removed by Booster staff.

terms and conditions

These terms and conditions as amended from time to time.


When you debit your account using your physical card or card information or your digital card.


Units in the Booster Savvy Fund managed investment scheme as provided by the Booster Savvy Fund Product Disclosure Statement.

you, your

The account holder.

Apple, Apple Pay and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. iPhone, iPad, iTunes and Apple Watch are trademarks of Apple Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

Google, Google Pay and Google Wallet are trademarks of Google LLC.

Mastercard and the Mastercard symbol are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

The Booster Savvy Scheme (‘Savvy’) is not a bank account and Booster is not a registered bank. Savvy is a managed fund and Booster Investment Management Limited is the manager and issuer of Savvy. Find Savvy’s Product Disclosure Statement, and other important information about Savvy (including a comparison document highlighting some of the differences between Savvy and a bank account) here.