Booster Savvy Scheme documents
In this section, you'll find documents for the Booster Savvy Scheme.
Product Disclosure Statement
These are updated regularly to ensure we can provide the most recent information. You can read the latest Product Disclosure Statement below or in the Disclose Register. Choose ‘Search Offers’ and search for ‘Booster’.
Booster Savvy Scheme Product Disclosure Statement
PDF (340kB)While risk indicators stated in the Product Disclosure Statements are usually relatively stable, they do shift from time to time. You can see the most recent risk indicator in the latest fund update for each fund in the relevant Quarterly Fund update.
Quarterly fund updates
Review the quarterly summaries for each fund in the Booster Savvy Scheme.
The Quarterly Fund Updates of the quarters previous to those listed below can be found on the Disclose Register. Chose ‘Search Offers’ and search for ‘Booster’ at
Fund holdings for each fund can also be found on the Disclose Register. Choose ‘Search Offers’ and search for ‘Booster’ at
Other documents - Booster Savvy Scheme
Climate Statements for the funds we manage can be found on the Climate-related Disclosures Register. Choose 'Search for a climate statement' and search for Booster at: