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Online Security

We subscribe to cyber security best practices to ensure your data is kept as safe as possible.

It's important that you also take steps to ensure your data security as well. Here's five simple steps you can take to help keep your mybooster account safe and secure.

Strong passwords

A strong password is long, preferably with a mix of numbers and special characters. A simple phrase of 4 or so words is also as effective.

Keep your mybooster password safe by:

  • Making your password long and strong
  • Using a different password for every online account you use
  • Not using easily identifiable personal information (eg your date of birth, pet's name)
  • Never sharing your passwords

Password manager

One way to ensure your password security is to use a password manager. This stores and manages your passwords for you. The password manager will be the only account you need to remember login details for.

Find out more about password managers

Use Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Adding two-factor authentication (2FA) to your login process is a simple way of adding an extra layer of security to your accounts. Booster has 2FA enabled for mybooster accounts. It’s simple to set up and helps to ensure your data remains private to you.

Log in to mybooster and go to Security > Enable MFA to set this up.

Keep your software up to date

Installing updates is an important aspect of your online security. Software updates aren’t just about getting the latest feature or fixing a bug, they are often about fixing weaknesses or a vulnerability that’s been found in the software.

You can check which version of the Booster NZ app you’re using under Settings.

Be savvy with your online info

It’s really important to check that a web page is secure before you send any information through it. The easiest way to do this to check the URL. A secure website’s URL will start with https://. It will also have a little padlock icon in the address bar. This means that any information you send through a website with an https address is encrypted.

Booster will never ask you for your password. If something doesn’t feel right about an email or phone call you’ve received - call the company back. It might be genuine, or it could be a phishing scam.

Backup your devices

It’s important to make sure your data is backed up regularly. If you lose your data for any reason, you can quickly replace it with a copy you made. Data loss can happen by a device being damaged, a cyber attack or a lost or stolen computer.

Booster recommends that you backup your devices regularly, and if possible, use both a cloud backup system with a physical option (eg hard drive or memory stick).

Cyber security guides

New Zealand’s cyber security organisation,, has some helpful guides and more information on improving your online security. Download their Top tips for Cyber Security checklist.

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