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If you need to update your Prescribed Investor Rate for the financial year ending 31 March 2025, please do so now. If you want to update your PIR for the financial year ending 31 March 2026, please wait until 5 April or after. 

Booster SuperScheme documents

In this section, you'll find documents for the Booster SuperScheme. All forms, including withdrawal forms, are available under ‘My account’ in mybooster which you can access here.


Email your completed form, along with any supporting documents, to

Combined Application form
PDF (666KB)
Conversion - Pounds Sterling
PDF (72.1KB)
Investment Switch Sterling Funds
PDF (101KB)
UK Pension Transfer Declaration
PDF (71.7KB)
Existing Super Transfer
PDF (40.8KB)
Direct Debit form
PDF (88.1KB)

Product Disclosure Statements

These are updated regularly to ensure we can provide the most recent information. You can read the latest Product Disclosure Statements below or find them in the Disclose Register. Choose ‘Search Offers’ and search for ‘Booster’.

While risk indicators stated in the Product Disclosure Statements are usually relatively stable, they do shift from time to time. You can see the most recent risk indicator in the latest fund update for each fund in the relevant Quarterly Fund update.

Sterling Funds and Socially Responsible Funds
PDF (922KB)
Multi-sector Funds and Cash Fund
PDF (975KB)
Booster SuperScheme Application Form and Product Disclosure Statements – all funds
Interactive (1.9MB)

Quarterly fund updates

Review the quarterly summaries for each fund in the Booster SuperScheme.

If you are looking for Quarterly Fund Updates earlier than the ones listed below, go to the Disclose Register. Choose ‘Search Offers’ and search for ‘Booster’.

Fund holdings for each fund can also be found on the Disclose Register. Choose ‘Search Offers’ and search for ‘Booster’ at

Other documents

These are updated regularly to ensure we can provide the most recent information. You can read the latest Product Disclosure Statements below or find them in the Disclose Register. Choose ‘Search Offers’ and search for ‘Booster’.

While risk indicators stated in the Product Disclosure Statements are usually relatively stable, they do shift from time to time. You can see the most recent risk indicator in the latest fund update for each fund in the relevant Quarterly Fund update.

Climate Statements for the funds we manage can be found on the Climate-related Disclosures Register. Choose 'Search for a climate statement' and search for Booster at:

Other Material Information
PDF (358kB)
Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives
PDF (376kB)
Trust Deed
PDF (2.8MB)
Annual Report
PDF (194kB)
Financial Statements
PDF (1.8MB)
Responsible Investment policy statement
PDF (192kB)

Interactive PDFs

Most of our forms are interactive PDFs and are labelled.

If you're using Internet Explorer 11, Chrome or Safari, you can fill in an interactive PDF form using your browser.

If you're using Edge, Firefox or an earlier version of Internet Explorer, you'll have to download an interactive PDF form and open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Then you can fill in the form on your computer.

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Call us on 0800 336 338

8am – 8pm Monday to Friday