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If you need to update your Prescribed Investor Rate for the financial year ending 31 March 2025, please do so now. If you want to update your PIR for the financial year ending 31 March 2026, please wait until 5 April or after. 

Booster NZ app FAQs

Why the Booster NZ app?

Why should I use the Booster NZ app?

At Booster we want to help you make sense of money. Our app gives you a simple snapshot of how you're tracking financially.

You can:

  • See your bank balances, Booster KiwiSaver Scheme, Booster SuperScheme, plus any property and investments
  • Track your progress and make changes on the go, like your account details and prescribed investor rate (PIR)
  • Learn tips with our library of short videos.

What does the Booster NZ app do?

At the moment, it’s a great starting point – a simple snapshot of how you're tracking financially. We’ll be making improvements and adding features regularly.

Make sure you update the app when updates are available so you always have the latest features.

Managing your account

How do I log in?

After you’ve downloaded the Booster NZ app from your app store and installed it, simply put in the username and password you use to log in to the Booster website.

If you don’t have your login details, get in touch with Booster on 0800 336 338 and we’ll sort you out.

You can choose to log in with a personal identifier number (PIN) instead of a username and password. You can set your PIN once you’ve opened the app. Your PIN must have 5 digits.

You’ll need to accept the terms and conditions before you can log in.

How do I change my password?

At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Settings’.

On the ‘Settings’ screen, under the ‘Security’ heading, tap the:

  1. ‘Change password’ bar
  2. ‘’ button to log in to, where you can change your password.

How do I set or change my PIN?

At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Settings’.

Under the ‘Security’ heading, tap the:

  1. ‘Set PIN’ or 'Change PIN' bar
  2.  Numbers on the screen to enter the 5-digit personal identifier number (PIN) you want to use
  3. Same numbers to confirm your new PIN.

You’ll be taken back to the ‘Settings’ screen, which means that your new PIN has been set.

How do I see my personal details?

At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Settings’.

On the ‘Settings’ screen, you’ll see your personal details – your:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Prescribed investor rate (PIR).

How do I change my personal details?

On the ‘Settings’ screen, you’ll see your personal details.

Tap your details to change them.

On the 'Edit details' screen, tap the:

  1. ‘Address line 1’ box to enter the first line of your address
  2. ‘Address line 2’ box to enter the second line of your address
  3. ‘City’ box to enter your city
  4. ‘Postcode’ box to enter your postcode
  5. ‘Home phone number’ box to enter your home phone number – you must fill in this info
  6. ‘Work phone number’ box to enter your work phone number
  7. ‘Mobile phone number’ box to enter your mobile phone number
  8. triangle to choose your prescribed investor rate (PIR).
  9. ‘Save’ button at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see your updated details on the ‘Settings’ screen.

How do I see my prescribed investor rate?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Settings’.
  2. On the ‘Settings’ screen, you’ll see your prescribed investor rate (PIR).

How do I change my prescribed investor rate?

On the ‘Settings’ screen, you’ll see your prescribed investor rate (PIR) under your personal details.

Tap your details to change the PIR.

On the 'Edit details' screen, tap:

  1. The triangle to choose your prescribed investor rate (PIR)
  2. ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see your updated PIR on the ‘Settings’ screen.

Total wealth FAQs

How do I see my overall balance or net worth?

At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.

On the ‘Home’ screen, you’ll see a financial snapshot of your total wealth.

Your financial snapshot is your overall net worth at one point in time.

Your total wealth is the total of the sums of money in your:

  • KiwiSaver account
  • SuperScheme account
  • Bank accounts
  • Shares
  • Property
  • Debt – like your student loan
  • Other assets, investments and debts – like a valuable antiques collection.

See more detail for each category by tapping the icon, like ‘KiwiSaver’.

Remember that you can see only the bank accounts, shares and so on that you’ve linked to the app. Luckily, your Booster KiwiSaver Scheme account, and SuperScheme account, if you have it, are shown automatically.

How do you work out my total wealth?

Your total wealth is the total of all the balances and values you've linked to or entered in the app.

The following areas are more complicated, though.

Bank accounts

We add up the balances in all the bank accounts you've linked to the app.

We work out how much you’ve got with each bank by adding up the balances of your:

  • Cheque or current account
  • Savings account
  • Credit card account.
  • Taking off the amounts of any mortgages or loans you have.

You should note:  if you've excluded any bank accounts from showing in your bank on the app, they won't count in your total worth mortgages, loans and debts you've associated with a property or debt in the app appear in the property or debt sections instead of in your bank account details.


We work out the value of the shares you hold in a publicly listed company by using this formula:

listed share price × the number of shares you’ve entered


We work out the value of your property by using this formula:

current value of property − mortgage balance

Note: If you associate a mortgage with a property in the app, it shows up in the Property section instead of in your bank account details.

How do I see the most up-to-date info?

Pull down from the middle of the app to grab the most up-to-date info from your accounts.

It may take a few minutes for the info to come through for all the accounts you’ve linked to the app.

You can see the latest info for your:

  • Booster KiwiSaver Scheme balance
  • Booster SuperScheme balance
  • Bank balances
  • Shares
  • Property
  • Debts
  • Other assets, investments and debts.

You can also refresh your bank accounts by tapping the arrows-in-a-circle icon under each bank on the 'Bank accounts' screen.

Remember that you can see only the bank accounts, shares and so on that you’ve linked to the app. Luckily, your Booster KiwiSaver Scheme account and SuperScheme account, if you have it, are shown automatically.

Security FAQs

Is it safe to enter my bank account details?

The bank account function is from Yodlee, which provides this service globally. Yodlee reads data from bank accounts using secure tokens.

Over 45 million customers around the world use Yodlee to help manage their finances, while in NZ companies like Xero rely on Yodlee to deliver their services.

Why do you store my bank login details?

Yodlee needs to store your login details so your bank account balances are up to the minute whenever you want to see them.

If Yodlee didn’t store your details, you’d have to log into each bank account every time you use the app – which would be a real hassle.

If you delete your bank account from the app, Yodlee will delete your login details. They don’t keep them so, if you decide later you want to add your bank account, you’ll have to enter the details again.

If I enter my bank account login, is this against my bank’s T&Cs?

When you use the Booster NZ app, you give Booster limited power of attorney to log into your bank account. But the Booster NZ app can only log in to link to your information. Read the full details in our privacy policy.

Giving permission for a limited power of attorney means you don’t breach your bank’s terms and conditions (T&Cs). Of course, you should check them to make sure you’re comfortable.

Bank accounts

Do I need to enter my bank account details to use the app?

No, you don’t need to. If you don’t want to put your bank account details in the app, that’s ok – you’ll still be able to use it.

Bear in mind, though, that the beauty of the Booster app is being able to get a snapshot of your finances in one place. If you don’t link your bank accounts to the app, you won’t get a proper picture of your finances.

How do I see my bank account details?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.
  2. On the ‘Home’ screen, you’ll see the categories your total wealth is divided into.
  3. Tap the ‘Bank accounts’ icon to get to the ‘Bank accounts’ screen.

Once on the ‘Bank accounts’ screen, you’ll see:

  • The total of all your bank accounts
  • A list of the banks you’ve linked to the app.

In the summary for each bank, you’ll see:

  • The total held in that bank
  • The number of accounts you’ve linked to the app
  • When the link to the bank was last updated

You can:

  • Refresh the link to your bank by tapping the arrows-in-a-circle icon
  • Edit your details by tapping the pencil icon
  • Delete your bank from the app by tapping the bin icon.

To see details of your accounts in each bank, tap the bank summary.

Once on the bank summary screen, you’ll see a list of the accounts you’ve linked to the app. For each account, you’ll see:

  • The name you’ve given to the account in the app
  • The total in the account
  • A toggle to include the account in the ‘Bank accounts’ screen.

Remember that you can see only the banks and bank accounts that you’ve linked to the app.

What’s included in my bank account details?

When you add your bank info to the app, we work out how much you’ve got with that bank by:

  • Adding up the balances of your:
    • cheque or current account
    • savings account
    • credit card account.
  • Taking off the amounts of any mortgages or loans you have.

Note: Mortgages, loans and debts aren’t included here if they have been linked to a property or debt in the app.

How do I change my bank account details?

Once on the ‘Bank accounts’ screen, you’ll see:

  • The total of all your bank accounts
  • A list of the banks you’ve linked to the app.

In the summary for each bank, you’ll see:

  • The total held in that bank
  • The number of accounts you’ve linked to the app
  • When the link to the bank was last updated.

To see details of your accounts in each bank, tap the bank summary.

Once on the bank summary screen, you’ll see a list of the accounts you’ve linked to the app. For each account, you’ll see:

  • The name you’ve given to the account in the app
  • The total in the account
  • A toggle to exclude the account in the ‘Bank accounts’ screen.

Remember that:

  • If you’ve changed your password in your online banking, you’ll need to update the password in the Booster app or the link to your bank won’t work
  • You can see only the banks and bank accounts that you’ve linked to the app.

How do I add my bank account?

You can add your bank account through either the:

  • ‘Home’ screen
  • ‘Bank accounts’ screen

Add your bank account from the ‘Home’ screen

Tap the + icon on the ‘Bank accounts’ option

You’ll see a message telling you that sometimes your bank doesn’t respond to Yodlee, the linking technology we use for our app. To continue linking your bank to the app, tap ‘Got it’.

On the next screen, tap the:

  1. Box to start typing in the name of your bank and see a list of banks appear
  2. Name or logo of your bank to choose it
  3. Box or boxes to enter the login details for your online banking
  4. ‘Next’ button to begin linking your bank account.

Note: All the accounts you have with that bank will be linked to the app. Once the bank is linked, you can exclude certain bank accounts from the total of your app. You’ll see a message confirming that the linking process has started and telling you how long it will take. Each bank has different security so you may have to provide more information if your bank needs it.

Add your bank account from the ‘Bank accounts’ screen

  1. Look at the right of the top bar for ‘Add’.
  2. Tap ‘Add’ to link your bank details to the app.

You’ll see a message telling you that sometimes your bank doesn’t respond to Yodlee, the linking technology we use for our app. To continue linking your bank to the app, tap ‘Got it’.

On the next screen, tap the:

  1. Box to start typing in the name of your bank and see a list of banks appear
  2. Name or logo of your bank to choose it
  3. Box or boxes to enter the login details for your online banking
  4. ‘Next’ button to begin the process of linking your bank account.

Note: All the accounts you have with that bank will be linked to the app. Once the bank is linked, you can exclude certain bank accounts from the total of your app. You’ll see a message confirming that the linking process has started and telling you how long it will take. Each bank has different security so you may have to provide more information if your bank needs it.

What if my bank has multi-factor authentication?

If your bank uses multi-factor authentication, you’ll probably need to complete the extra step whenever you:

  • Add a bank account
  • Want to refresh the data from your bank account.

Multi-factor authentication is an extra check, on top of your login details, that tells your bank you’re you. This extra check may be a security question, security image or security token.

Booster KiwiSaver Scheme

How do I see my KiwiSaver account?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.
  2. On the ‘Home’ screen, you’ll see the categories your total wealth is divided into.
  3. Tap the ‘KiwiSaver’ icon to get to the ‘KiwiSaver’ account screen.

On the ‘KiwiSaver’ account screen, you’ll see:

  • The total value of your Booster KiwiSaver Scheme
  • The investment funds you’ve chosen for your Booster KiwiSaver Scheme
  • How much you’ve paid in tax according to your prescribed investor rate (PIR)
  • How your account has grown over the years since you joined
  • Details of your government contribution (GC).

How do I see my government contribution?

On the ‘KiwiSaver’ account screen, scroll down to see details of your government contribution (GC) for this year.

You’ll see:

  • Whether you’ve paid in enough contributions to get your government contribution for this year
  • When your government contribution status was last checked
  • When the government contribution year ends
  • How much money you’ll get credited to your KiwiSaver account in July each year
  • What government contributions are and where they come from.
Booster SuperScheme

How do I see my SuperScheme info?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.
  2. On the ‘Home’ screen, you’ll see the categories your total wealth is divided into.
  3. Tap the ‘Super’ icon to get to the ‘Super’ screen.

On the ‘Super’ screen, you’ll see a bar graph showing:

  • The total value of your SuperScheme account
  • How it’s grown over the last 5 years.

Why are some years empty in the bar graph?

The bar graph covers the last 5 years so, even if you haven't been in Booster SuperScheme for that long, you'll see the years before you joined.

The years before you joined don't have bars because there's no information to show.

We're working on how to present your Super info in ways that better show details of your account.


How do I see my shares info?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.
  2. On the ‘Home’ screen, you’ll see the categories your total wealth is divided into.
  3. Tap the ‘Shares’ icon to get to the Shares’ screen.

Once on the ‘Shares’ screen, you’ll see a summary of the shares you’ve linked to the app. For each company in which you hold shares, you’ll see:

  • The name of the company
  • How many shares you have
  • The price per share
  • The value of your holdings.

You can:

  • Edit details of your shares by tapping the pencil icon
  • Delete the link between your shares and the app by tapping the bin icon.

How is the value of my shares calculated?

We work out the value of the shares you hold in a publicly listed company by using the following formula:

listed share price × the number of shares you’ve entered

Only the shares holdings you’ve entered into the app are calculated.

How do I add shares?

  1. On the 'Shares' page, look at the right of the top bar for ‘Add’.
  2. Tap ‘Add’ to link your shares to the app.

You’ll see a text box appear on the 'Add shares' screen. Tap the:

  1. First box to start typing in the name of the company in which you hold shares, or its share code, and a menu of listed companies will appear
  2. Name of a company to choose it and the company name will appear
  3. 'Number of shares' box to enter the number of shares you hold in that company
  4. 'Save’ at the right of the top bar.

When you’ve done that, on the ‘Shares’ screen you’ll see the:

  • Details of the shares you’ve just added
  • Updated total value of your shares.

What if I have shares in foreign currencies?

Our app can handle various foreign currencies for shares outside New Zealand.

You can include shares in a foreign currency but the app will convert them into NZ dollars when adding up the total value.

What if I have shares on NZX and foreign stock exchanges?

If your shares are listed on both the New Zealand stock exchange (NZX) and a foreign stock exchange, choose the option with:

  • ‘.NZ' at the end for NZX shares
  • The right stock market code at the end for your foreign shares, like:
    • .NYSE for the New York Stock Exchange
    • .NAS for Nasdaq.

If the company for which you want to add shares isn't listed in the app, we may be able to add it. Please send your request to


How do I see my property info?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.
  2. On the ‘Home’ screen, you’ll see the categories your total wealth is divided into.
  3. Tap the ‘Property’ icon to get to the ‘Property’ screen.

Once on the ‘Property’ screen, you’ll see the properties you’ve added to the app. For each property, you’ll see the:

  • Purchase price
  • Estimated current value
  • Mortgage
  • Estimated equity.

You can:

  • Edit details of your property by tapping the pencil icon
  • Delete your property from the app by tapping the bin icon.

Note: If the property is associated with a bank account you’ve linked to the app, the pencil and the bin icons will be greyed out. This means you can’t edit the property here. You may want to associate a property with a bank account if you have a mortgage with that bank.

How do I add property info?

  1. On the ‘Property’ screen, look at the right of the top bar for ‘Add’.
  2. Tap ‘Add’ to link your property info to the app.

On the ‘Add property’ screen, tap:

  • ‘Property type’ box and choose from ‘Home property’ or Investment property’
  • ‘Name of property’ box to give a name to the property you want to add
  • ‘Purchase price’ box to enter how much you paid for the property
  • ‘Estimated current value’ box to enter how much you think the property is now worth
  • ‘Currency’ box to choose the currency associated with the property
  • ‘Next’ at the right of the top bar.

On the ‘Add mortgage details’ screen, you can choose to enter your mortgage by either:

  • Using a bank account you’ve already linked to the app
  • Typing it in by hand

Use a linked bank account

You may want to associate a property with a bank account if you have a mortgage with that bank.

Under ‘Property loan 1’, tap:

  • ‘Use linked bank account'
  • The bank account you want to use from the list of bank accounts you’ve linked to the app
  • ‘Done’ when you’ve selected it
  • ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see the property you’ve just added on the ‘Property’ screen.

Enter a mortgage by hand

You may want to put in a mortgage that's not linked to the ap.

Under ‘Property loan 1’, tap:

  1. ‘Amount’ box to enter how much you owe on your mortgage
  2. ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see the property you’ve just added on the ‘Property’ screen.

What if my mortgage is split between interest rate types?

If your mortgage is split between fixed and variable interest rates, you can put the different rates into one or more different property loans.

On the ‘Add property’ screen, you’ll see the option to add a ‘Property loan’ under the first property loan.

To add another type of mortgage, tap ‘+ Property loan’ and add as normal.

How do I change my mortgage details?

On the ‘Property’ screen, you can edit and delete details of the mortgages on your property.

You can:

  • Edit by tapping the pencil icon
  • Delete the mortgage by tapping the bin icon.

If you’ve entered your mortgage manually

To edit, tap:

  1. The pencil icon below the property you want to edit
  2. The details you want to change on the ‘Edit property’ screen and type in the new info
  3. ‘Next’ at the right of the top bar
  4. The pencil icon on the ‘Edit mortgage details’ screen to change the mortgage info
  5. ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see the property you’ve just edited on the ‘Property’ screen.

If your mortgage is linked to a bank account

The pencil icon is greyed out so you can’t edit your mortgage here. This is because it’s associated with a bank account you’ve linked to the app.

To edit, you must:

  1. Delete that property loan by tapping the bin icon
  2. Add a new property loan using the linked bank account you want to use.

Add a property loan

  1. On the ‘Property’ screen, look at the right of the top bar for ‘Add’ and tap it
  2. On the ‘Add property’ screen, tap ‘Next’ at the right of the top bar

On the ‘Add mortgage details’ screen, under ‘Property loan 1’, tap:

  1. ‘Use linked bank account’
  2. The bank account you want to use from the list of bank accounts you’ve linked to the app
  3. ‘Done’ when you’ve selected it
  4. ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see the property loan you’ve just added on the ‘Property’ screen.


How do I see my debt info?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.
  2. On the ‘Home’ screen you’ll see the categories your total wealth is divided into.
  3. Tap the ‘Debt’ icon to get to the ‘Debt’ screen.

Once on the ‘Debt’ screen, you’ll see a summary of the debts you’ve linked to the app. For each debt, you’ll see the:

  • Name you’ve given the debt
  • Amount you owe.

You can:

  • Edit details of your debts by tapping the pencil icon
  • Delete your debts from the app by tapping the bin icon.

Note: If the debt is associated with a bank account you’ve linked to the app, the pencil and bin icons will be greyed out so you can’t edit the debt here.

How do I add debt info?

  1. On the ‘Debt’ screen, look at the right of the top bar for ‘Add’.
  2. Tap ‘Add’ to link your debt info to the app.

On the ‘Add debt’ screen, you can choose to either:

  • Use a bank account you’ve already linked to the app
  • Type in the details of the debt yourself.

Use a linked bank account


  1. ‘Use linked bank account’
  2. The bank account you want to use from the list of bank accounts you’ve linked to the app
  3. ‘Done’ when you’ve selected it
  4. ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see the debt you’ve just added on the ‘Debt’ screen.

Note: The pencil icon is greyed out so you can’t edit the debt here. This is because it’s associated with a bank account you’ve linked to the app. If you want to edit the debt, you’ll have to delete the associated bank account. You can tap the bin icon to delete the debt.

Enter a debt by hand


  1. The ‘Name’ box to give the debt a name
  2. ‘Amount’ box to enter how much you owe
  3. The currency option to choose the currency of your debt
  4. ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you’ll see the debt you’ve just added on the ‘Debt’ screen.

You can tap the:

  • Pencil icon to edit the debt
  • Bin icon to delete the debt.
Other assets, investments and debts

How do I see my other assets, investments and debts?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘Home’.
  2. On the ‘Home’ screen, you’ll see the categories your total wealth is divided into.
  3. Tap the ‘Other’ icon to get to the ‘Other’ screen.

You can:

  • Edit details of your other assets, investments and debts by tapping the pencil icon
  • Delete your other assets, investments and debts from the app by tapping the bin icon.

Note: The pencil and bin icons will be greyed out if the item is associated with a bank account you’ve linked to the app. This means you can’t edit or delete the item here. You can edit or delete it by editing or deleting the linked bank account.

How do I add my other assets, investments and debts?

  1. On the ‘Other’ screen, look at the right of the top bar for ‘Add’.
  2. Tap ‘Add’ to link info about your other assets, investments and debts to the app.

On the next screen, you’ll see some text boxes to fill in with details of the other assets, investments and debts you want to add.

Tap the:

  1. ‘Name’ box to type the item’s name
  2. ‘Amount’ box to enter the item’s value
  3. ‘Currency’ box to choose the item’s currency
  4. ‘Shares’ box to choose the item's type
  5. Tap ‘Save’ at the right of the top bar.

Then you'll see the item you’ve just added on the ‘Other’ screen.

Note: The pencil and bin icons will be greyed out if the item is associated with a bank account you’ve linked to the app. This means you can’t edit or delete the item here. You can edit or delete it by editing or deleting the linked bank account.

What if my other assets, investments and debts are in foreign currencies?

Our app can handle various foreign currencies for your other assets, investments and debts.

You can enter their value in a foreign currency, but the app will convert them into NZ dollars when adding up the total value.

What is 'other'?

In this section of the Booster app, you can enter details of assets, investments and debts that the other sections don't cover.

Examples of ‘other’ are:

  • Assets – a boat or car
  • Investments – a valuable collection of antiques or coins
  • Debts – what you owe your brother for lending you $50 when you were a bit short the other week.

Note: The pencil and bin icons will be greyed out if the item is associated with a bank account you’ve linked to the app. This means you can’t edit or delete the item here. You can edit or delete it by editing or deleting the linked bank account.

Trouble Shooting

‘Oops – there’s a glitch in your bank feed!'

You need to check that everything’s ok with your online banking so the Yodlee tech can do its thing.

Check that:

  • Your login details for your online banking are right
  • Your online banking site is working
  • You’ve completed your bank’s multi-factor authentication correctly or quickly enough.

Multi-factor authentication is an extra check, on top of your login details, that tells your bank you’re you. This extra check may be a security question, security image or security token.


  • Updating your bank account login details in the Booster NZ app whenever you change them in your online banking – they must match
  • Checking your online banking site is working normally
  • Refreshing your bank account details in the Booster app if your bank has multi-factor authentication and then completing this step in good time.

Refreshing my feed doesn’t update my bank balances

Technical problems with your bank or Yodlee may affect your bank account balances in the Booster NZ app.


  • Logging in to your online banking site to make sure it’s working
  • Refreshing the feed after 20 minutes.

If your online banking site is down, you can’t refresh your feed to the Booster NZ app.

If a temporary connection error is the snag, refreshing again after 20 minutes gives it time to clear.

My online bank account and the Booster app don’t match

You can see your latest bank balances in the Booster NZ app as long as your bank completes its processes quickly.

Sometimes the balances in your online banking and the Booster app don’t match because you may see ‘pending transactions’ in your online banking. Bear in mind that the Yodlee feed from your bank account includes only transactions that your bank has finished processing.


  • Refreshing your feed for the most up-to-date information
  • Logging in to your online banking site to check it’s working
  • Refreshing later, as you may get delays to the feed in your time zone.

Making sure my online banking and Booster app match

If your bank uses multi-factor authentication, you’ll need to refresh the data feed from your bank accounts into the Booster app.

Multi-factor authentication is an extra check, on top of your login details, that tells your bank you’re you. This extra check may be a security question, security image or security token.

So before you refresh your data feed, make sure you:

  • Aren't logged in to your online banking already
  • Haven't refreshed the feed within the last 20 minutes

How do I contact you?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘More’.
  2. Tap the ‘Contact us’ bar.

On the ‘Contact us’ screen, you’ll see the:

  • Booster Customer Care Centre number: 0800 336 338
  • Booster feedback email address:

You can:

  • Call us by tapping the phone number
  • Email us by tapping our email address.

How do I send feedback on the app?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘More’ on the navigation bar.
  2. Tap ‘Send feedback’.
  3. Type what you think into the 'Feedback' screen.
  4. Tap 'Send' at the right of the top bar to send it to us directly.

How do I contact my financial adviser?

  1. At the bottom of the screen, tap ‘More’.
  2. Tap the ‘Contact us’ bar.

On the ‘Contact us’ screen, you’ll see details of your financial adviser, if you have one. You’ll see his or her:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address.

You can contact your financial adviser by tapping the:

  • Phone number to call him or her
  • Email address to email him or her directly.