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Calculate your KiwiSaver

What could your retirement look like?

Choosing the right fund, and how much you put into your KiwiSaver account, can make a big difference to how much you end up with at retirement.

Your estimated retirement lump sum savings at the age of 65
Your estimated weekly income to age 90
How we worked this out

We’ve calculated your results based on the information you entered, and some industry-standard investment return, inflation and salary increase assumptions as set by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). Our calculator is intended as a guide only and only relates to your KiwiSaver account.

Calculator assumptions
  • Industry-standard forecast rates of return (after fees and tax at 28%) as set by the FMA, across four main fund types:
Fund type Annual return
Conservative 2.5%
Balanced 3.5%
Growth 4.5%
High Growth 5.5%
  • No savings suspension or withdrawals take place.
  • If you’re employed, we’ve assumed an annual salary increase of 3.5% and a 3% employer contribution.
  • If you're self employed (or not working), we've assumed your regular annual voluntary contribution increases by inflation (2%) each year.
  • Your annual government contribution entitlement amount is received each year, up to a maximum of $521.43. This figure is not adjusted for inflation.
  • Fees, tax rates and government contributions are assumed to continue unchanged until you reach age 65.
  • All projected balances are in today’s dollar terms (by adjusting for the impact of inflation at 2% per annum).
  • After age 65, the graph shows the projected weekly retirement income your lump sum would give you over a 25-year period, assuming a 2.5% annual return (after tax and fees) and a 2% annual inflation adjustment.
Want a more personalised view?

Remember, this result is a guide only and several factors affect the size of your retirement savings and how long this might last in retirement. These include:

  • Your choice of fund
  • Your contribution rate
  • How long you contribute for
  • If you are using KiwiSaver to save for a first home
  • Other retirement savings and income you may have
  • Your expected retirement income levels
  • The actual performance of investment markets

If you want a more personalised plan for your KiwiSaver, give us a call on 0800 336 338. We’ll get your KiwiSaver money working harder for you.

Not sure which fund is right for you?

Here’s a few steps you can take to help you work out what approach is best for your financial future.