There’s no question times are tough for New Zealanders with the price of pretty much everything having gone up - from food to rates, rent and mortgages.
So, it’s no surprise that stress on your finances can have a big impact on your mental health as well.
Signs that you may benefit from getting a plan in place to improve your financial wellbeing include:
- You struggle to pay your debts - particularly credit card debt
- You’re living pay cheque to pay cheque
- You don’t have a financial plan or budget
- You constantly avoid conversations about money
- You have no savings for the future, or at all
It can be daunting to take the first step toward getting a plan in place, but we’ve got you!
Booster has tools that can help you on your journey to better financial wellbeing:
mybudgetpal tracks your spending and categorises it so you can easily see where your money is going and spot opportunities to cut back on expenses, pay off debt or save money.
The Booster Savvy is particularly useful for managing your day-to-day expenses (and it pays a competitive rate of return). You can divide your money into stacks like rent/power/food/savings, and it has ways to boost your savings automatically and monitor your money goals.
Booster's KiwiSaver calculator allows you to assess your KiwiSaver journey; how changing your contributions, or switching to a different fund type like growth or conservative might impact your savings at retirement age.
Mymoneymap is a retirement calculator for a personalised financial roadmap. You can get a joined-up view of your current financial position (assets and debts), set your retirement lifestyle goals, and map out how you’ll get there.
Setting a budget can help put your mind at ease; knowing what you can and want to spend in a given area means you know your limits and where there might be opportunities to build savings.
That puts you in the driver’s seat of your money journey and that can only be a good thing for your financial wellbeing.
Finally, if you want some advice about your Booster KiwiSaver Scheme account, our team can help you out at no extra cost. Call us at 0800 336 338 or send a message online.
The Booster Savvy Scheme (‘Savvy’) is not a bank account and Booster is not a registered bank. Savvy is a managed fund and Booster Investment Management Limited is the manager and issuer of Savvy. Find Savvy’s Product Disclosure Statement, and other important information about Savvy (including a comparison document highlighting some of the differences between Savvy and a bank account) here.
Booster is the manager and issuer of the Booster KiwiSaver Scheme (Scheme). The Scheme’s Product Disclosure Statement is available at