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BoosterOctober 29, 20231 min read

Upstream Medical Partners with Booster Innovation Fund

The Booster Innovation Fund (BIF) has partnered with another innovative Kiwi company for Kiwis to get behind!

Upstream Medical in Christchurch has developed a novel biomarker diagnostic test designed to help rule out the risk of an imminent heart attack for people presenting at hospital with chest pain or unstable angina. 

Currently, clinicians don’t have the available tools to confidently triage many patients presenting with these symptoms in emergency departments.


Upstream CEO, Kieran Jina, says, “Roughly half of these patients can be rapidly triaged through existing biomarkers, but rapidly diagnosing the remaining patients who fit into what we call the ‘grey (or observe) zone’ – people who may be at high risk of unstable angina and susceptible to a heart attack – is a challenge.

“This Investment will help us to significantly advance Marker C, our ground-breaking diagnostic tool with the potential to transform management of heart disease, the biggest killer of women and men, globally.”

Melissa Yiannoutsos, BIF Manager, says “Backing Upstream, adds an interest in another enterprising business to the BIF portfolio, which means that all Kiwis invested in BIF, through their KiwiSaver scheme or directly, get the chance to share in their potential success.

“Investing in Kiwi companies can keep jobs, intellectual property and stimulate the economy here at home, even as these businesses, like Upstream, take to the world stage – whilst generating returns for our investors.”



Read more about the Booster Innovation Fund (BIF) and some of the exciting companies it has invested in to advance early stage innovation – and see how you can support these trailblazing companies breaking the mould right here in Aotearoa.

Booster Investment Management Limited is the issuer of the Booster Innovation Scheme, Booster Innovation Fund. Product Disclosure Statements are available at



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