Booster is proud to announce it is now accredited as a Living Wage employer by Living Wage Aotearoa.
The Living Wage encourages employers to pay workers an hourly wage that allows a worker to cover the necessities of life. It reflects the basic expenses of workers such as food, transportation, housing and childcare, and is calculated independently each year by the New Zealand Family Centre Social Policy Unit.
The Living Wage rate is voluntary and for 2019, it is $21.15 per hour. This is higher than the current minimum wage of $17.70 per hour.
Booster pledged to become Living Wage accredited as part of our CoGo accreditation in 2018. The Living Wage accreditation formalises our existing policy to pay our direct employees a living wage and extends to cover indirect workers employed by contractors who provide Booster with a regular service.
By committing to paying a living wage, we ensure all Booster employees can cover their basic living expenses, contribute to their communities and move towards a more secure financial future.
Learn more about The Living Wage movement.